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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 286   View pdf image (33K)
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286 Journal and Correspondence

a probility of rasing two more and from Doctr Fisher's informa-
tion has induced us to incurage them. You will please to give
us your further instructions
from your most humble servant
James Johnson.


[T. Gantt to Jenifer.]

Honored Sir: Mr Thomas N. Stockett being desirous of
being appointed assistant Surgeon, applied to me for a
Recommendation concerning his medical knowledge; having
lived with Mr Stockett for four or five years past, the greater
part of which time he applied himself to the study of Phisick ;
and since my leaving that place, have had frequent opportuni-
ties of being acquainted with his method of practice; think
him sufficiently quallified to act in that character should you
think proper to appoint him.
Remain your obedt Servt
Sept. 19th 1776. Thomas Gantt 3rd


[Sim to Council.]

Gentlemen. Prince George's County Sept 19th 1776.
In complyance with a resolve of Convention of the 6th Inst
and sent me, I have recommended the Bearer Capt Levin Cov-
ington to command the company to be raised in this county,
and I have also recommended the other three commissioned
officers, who are all very agreable to the people & are now
engaged in recruiting and I flatter we shall be able in a very
short time to compleat the company within my district, but as
nothing effectual can be done without having both the Bounty
and advance money in hand, Capt Covington now waits on
you for it, which I hope will be furnished him. As the guns
are to be furnished for this company it will be absolutely
necessary the money for this purpose should be also sent
down immediately
I am Gent your most obedt Servt
Joseph Sim.


[Wooton to Council.]

Sept 19th 1776.
Gentlemen: You have recommended by sundry the Inhab-
itants of this County Messrs George Beall & Hezekiah Magru-
der for Inspectors. These gentlemen you may be assured
will meet the general approbation of the people, from which
principle alone I take the liberty to recommend them.
I am Gent your most obedt Servt
T. Sprigg Wooton.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 286   View pdf image (33K)
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