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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 27

[Council to Baltimore Committee.]

To the Committee of Baltimore County
Gentlemen. The Council of Safety think it expedient to
have a Magazine built at some place in your County between
five and ten miles back from Baltimore Town — they would
have it large enough to contain about four hundred Barrels of
Powder and a proportionable quantity of Lead, arched and
substantially built and will be obliged if you will fix on any
place you may Judge safe and Convenient and contract for
Materials and attend to the construction of the same, they will
supply the Cash necessary to defray the expence whenever
you will be pleased to call for it.
July 11, 1776

C. S. C.

No. 27.

[Baltimore Committee to Council.]

Gentlemen. In Committee Baltimore July 11th 1776.

Agreeable to your instructions we have nominated the Gen-
tlemen whose names are undermentioned, as officers for the
Two Companies of Germans to be raised in this County. We
advertised a meeting of the Committee to be held this day for
the very purpose and have taken care to be as well informed
as possible of the characters and qualifications of the persons
who applyed to us; and we have satisfaction to assure you
they are all persons whose merits & reputations appear to us
in the most favourable light.

We are with much respect Gentlemen yr mo. hble Servts
Saml Purviance Junr Chairn William Buchanan, Willm Aisquith,
Benjn Griffith, J. Griest, Jas. Calhain, Jno. Sterett.

Officers recommended for the two Companies of Germans to
be raised in Baltimore County.

Philip Grayble
John Lhora
Christian Myers
Martin Shugart

1st Lieutt
2d Lieut.

George Keeports,
Samuel Gerrock
William Ritter
John Lindenberger

1st Lieutt
2d Lieutt

[Harford Committee to Council.]

Gentmn 11th July 1776.

Agreeable to a Resolve of the late Convention empowering
the Committee of this County to appoint the Officers of a
Rifle Company to be raised within this County, we have chosen
and do recommend the following gentlemen as worthy of
Commissions, to wit, Alexander Lawson Smith Captn James
White Hall 1st Lieutenant, William Bradford 2d Do Josias Hall


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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