of the Council of Safety, 1776. 275
[R. Tyler to Convention.]
Gentlemen. Conformable to your request I met my Bat-
talion on Friday last when I assisted all in my power to raise
the Company wanting to reinforce the American Army at
New York, and am very sorry to inform you there was the
greatest backwardness that could be in our young men. I
also was at the meeting of Colo Sim's Battalion the next day,
which behaved with the same lukewarmness. There are
several gentlemen recruiting, viz. Mr Levin Covington, Mr
Abraham Boyd and Mr Richard Wootton, but am afraid a
company will not be made especially as the people will be
divided with regard to their commander. I am of opinion
that were we ordered by the Convention to meet our Bat-
talions together at Upper Marlborough we should be able to
settle all such differences and by that means make out a com-
pany. I should be glad you would fix on a day for our meet-
ing it would save us the trouble of meeting on that acct
Monday next would answer very well, all which I submitt to
your Honours and am Gentlemen,
Your most obedt Hble Servt
Monday 16th Sept 1776. Rob' Tyler.
[J. Hollingsworth to Council.]
Sir. Baltimore Sept 16th 1776.
I have provided the tobacco and the flour is coming in fast
for the schooner Resolution. I bought the tobacco for 22 s/6d
very good Verginia, 20 hhd I can get the best bur flour light
casks from 12 5/6 to 1 3 5/00 as yet and hope it maint rise
higher, but the price in Philadelphia is so high that the millers
grumble much. I shall get all the superfine I can which I
must give 15 / for. Mr Doogan tells mee he is to purchase
part of the flour for his skooner or the one bought of him. I
think it would bee best to let the purchase bee in one hand as
it only makes us bid on one another, as to the dispatch which
you I spose may think of I can load 6 such vessels in the time
that she will bee got redy to receive them, it would not give
mee the least concern to have 9 thousand bbls to purchase
instead of 9 hundred. I received your orders for to purchase
beef and pork which I shall indeavour to doe, but the salt is
the hardest part to provide. Beef can bee got, but pork I
think will be scarce. I have ingaged the beef and Bbls to
hold it. Please gentlemen to let me have the flour commi-
tions as I hope to have the sweet with the sour, from your
humble Servt Jesse Hollingsworth.