C. S. J.
Lambert Purnell of Captn Watkins's Compy discharged from
the Service, and permitted to go to his Friends.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Colo James
Murray three pounds, fourteen shillings and four pence for
militia duty.
Commissions issued to Isaac Reid appd 1 Lt
Nehemh Messeck 2 Ll
Jno Treyferd Ens" of
a Compy of Militia called The Friendship's Compy in Dorches-
ter County.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to John Bullen
eighty one pounds, ten shillings for two Horse
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Barton
Tabbs seven Pounds, one Shilling and six Pence for medical
Attendance at St George's Camp.
William Matthew's of Captn Gunby's Compy is discharged.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to John Bullen
five Pounds, fifteen shillings for sundries pr Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Peter Shaw ten
Pounds, ten shillings for Boatage.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Colo John Ennalls
twenty one Pounds for mila duty.
Permit granted to Thomas Waters Master of Sloop Balti-
more, to go to Martineque or any other foreign Port, he having
given Bond with security, agreeable to the Resolves of Con-
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 "Clock
[Dorsey to Council.]
Ann Arundle County September 16th 1776
The, Field officers of the Elk Ridge Battalion of Militia beg
leave to recommend to the Honble Convention, Mr Leven
Laurence as First and Mr Thomas Todd as second Lieutenant,
under Capt Thomas Watkins Junr of Colo Weems Battalion,
agreable to a resolve of Convention the 10th Instant.
Thomas Dorsey Colo.
[Weems and others to Council.]
We the Field officers of the 31st Battalion, beg leave to
recommend Captain Thomas Watkins (as Captain) and John
Ijams Junr as Ensign to one of the Companies to be raised in
Ann Arundel County, agreable to the late resolve of the Hon-
ourable Convention passed the 10th Instant.
Sept. 16th 1776. John Weems
Richard Harwood Jr.
Jos: Galloway.