272 Journal and Correspondence
Application made to us by Job Green of this Place for a Permisn
for the departure of a Schooner loaded with Provisions. This
Copy of said Resolve we should have sent to you before now,
had we not apprehended that Mr John Smith who was present
in Committee during the transaction had taken a Copy of it
with him, which we have Reason to suspect he did not, it
being reported to us that Job Green hath obtained from your
Board a Permisn for the departure of said Vessel, which we
are inclind to think you would not have granted had you been
acquainted with the Circumstances of the Case.
In the mean time to prevent Mr Green making An Advan-
tage of your Permission untill you was fully informd the
Reasons of our refusing him Permission We have requested
Captn Smith not to suffer the said Vessel to Sail before we
received further directions from you on the Subject. The true
State of the Case is as follows.
Mr Green lately Applyed to the Chairman to know if he
might have a Permit to load a Schooner with Flour to the West
Indies; which he was answerd he might have If he wou'd
engage to comply with the terms required by the Committee, of
giving Security in double the Value of the Cargo (when the
Vessel sailed) that the Vessel should not proceed to any Port
or Place prohibited by Congress or Convention. On promis-
ing these terms shoud be complied with, a Permit to load was
granted by the Chairn to Mr Green) not suspecting that any
Fraud was intended: But being informd shortly after that the
Schooner which Mr Green had obtained Permission to load,
was a Vessel belonging to James Clarke of this Town who had
been a few days before publishd by this Committee as an
Enemy to the Interests of America of which Mr Green coud
not be ignorant; It gave us great Room to suspect that the
whole matter was a Collusion betwixt Mr Green & Mr Clarke
& only intended to evade the Incapacity of the latter from
Trading to which he was Subject by his Conduct. We
apprehend there is the more Room for such Suspicion from
Mr Greens Conduct which does not stand so fare as we coud
expect from a Friend to our common Cause.
But at any Rate we conceived that every Person was pre-
cluded from trading with Mr Clarke after he was publishd by
the Committee: And by Mr Greens own Acknowledgemt
before it appeared that no Sale of the Vessel was made to him
before that time. p Order of the Commee
Saml Purviance Junr Chairn