[J. Yost to Council.]
Gentlemen. George Town Sept 13th 1776.
In Consequence of your Favour of the 6th Instant, I
have to inform you that I have erected a Horse Mill
for boring Gun Barrels; that I am now employed with all the
Workmen I have in making Locks, Screws, Mounting and
forging Barrels ready for boring, but cannot proceed to that
Part of the Work before I receive the Materials (Steel in par-
ticular,) which I purchased at Philadelphia sometime ago;
having been disappointed by Mr Jesse Hollingsworth oi
Baltimore, who I am informed, has neglected to bring them
from the Head of Elk in his Packet probably a Missive from
you to him on this Occasion, might be of Service to hasten
their Conveyance.
I was told by the Manager of the Gun Lock Manufactory
at Frederick Town, that they forge Gun Locks much faster
than they can finish them off; as that is the Case, I should be
glad to furnish myself from thence with 300 ready forged
Locks, provided the Terms are admissible.
If this Proposal is agreeable, I hope I may shortly be fur
nished with proper Authority through you, or some other
Department, to receive that Quantity, as it will greatly further
my Work.
I have nine Hands employed at present, and have engaged
two more, who I expect will be at Work for me in less than a
fortnight With great Respect, I am
Your most obt Servant
John Yost