26 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Ordered that the said Committee be informed that Capt
Fulford has received Orders to employ as many men for the
Protection of the City as can conveniently work on the
Adjourned till next Day, 10 o'clock
C. S. C.
No. 24.
[Council to Harford Committee.]
To the Committee of Harford
The Publick service requires that all the Arms purchased
by you or manufactured in Harford under your Direction be
transmitted to Baltimore Town to Gerard Hopkins the Com-
missary, of whom you will be pleased to take a Receipt, and
transmit to us the Number, Quality and Value of the same.
We desire you will also furnish us with an account of the
Disposition of the four hundred pounds we heretofore sent
July 10 1776
No. 25.
[Council to Hall.]
To Colonel Josias Carvil Hall
Sir. The Council of Safety think it proper that you and the
Battalion under your Command should be stationed at this
City and at Baltimore Town, to supply the place of the Regu-
lar Forces that have marched from this Province to Pennsyl-
vania; as we desire to see you as soon as possible to concert
the proper measures for the defence of this place, we request
you will come to Annapolis as soon as you can — we send you
inclosed your Commission.
July 11, 1776
No. 26.
[Council to Tillard.]
To Captain Edward Tillard
Sir. We are glad to hear you and your Officers are so for-
ward in raising your Company as our Forces are at present
much wanted, tho' it will be difficult to procure Firelocks for
all the Men, yet we cannot agree to give so great a price as
Six pounds Currency apiece, we have got very good at four
pounds and a Crown, but would on this occasion willingly
advance as far as four pounds Ten for such as are good and
serviceable, fixed with Bayonets.
July 10, 1776