260 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn David Craw ford
three pounds, two shillings and six Pence for Expresses.
Permit was granted to Hugh Sherwood of the Schooner
Betsy to go to Martinicoe, or any other foreign Part, he having
given Bond with security, according to resolve of Congress.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer, pay to Thomas
Smyth Esq. for use of the Committee of Kent County four
hundred Pounds for Arms & Blankets.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Thos Pryse twenty
three pounds, three shillings & eight Pence for Amt of his Acct
Adjourned 'till next day 10 o'Clock.
[Dallam to Jenifer.]
State of New Jersey
Sir. Brunswick Sept 6th 1776.
James May who is concerned with me in the Gun Factory
will in my absence want a sum of money to go on therewith,
and as he is unknown to your Board, I have thought it neces-
sary to advise you thereof, and to request your board to
furnish him with what sum Mr James Harris may draw on you
for, on my account, to be paid in guns, part of which I expect
is already finished. The Council of Safety's compliance here-
with, I expect will be to the publick advantage and oblige
Sir, Your Honours very Humble Servt
Richd Dallam
C. S. J.
Saturday, September 7th 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordd That Western shore Treasr pay to Jas West seventeen
Pounds for Boatage.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Fras Burgess eighteen
pounds for being Adjutant.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to John Malti-
more four Pound, ten shillings for Boatage.
Commissions issued to Joseph Hall appointed Surgeon,
Jno Johnson & Richd Downing, Surgeon Assistants to Colo
Griffiths Battalion of Flying Camp.
Adjourned 'till Monday 10 oClock.
[B. Nicholson to Jenifer?]
Sir. By the inclosed requisition you'll find I have taken
upon me to put part of the militia on duty. Be pleased to
take the matter under consideration and give such orders to
the Genl or Colo as you shall think proper. They are both