required it. As I have heard nothing since from your
Honnours, it induces me to sopose that in the multiplicity of
your Buisiness I have been forgot. Your Honours are too
well acquainted with the nature of this Buisiness, to think of
it being done without monney and much perplexity and trouble.
I have laid out about two hundred pounds for Beef, Bread,
Waggons &c and have asum'd for how much more I cant
say, as the acct from Wilmington & Chester have not come in
yet, though doubtless they are in want of cash, as they have
only my word for all they have done in forwarding the Mary-
land Troops, 'tis impossible for me to firnish the acct with all
the necessary probets, 'till the troops are gon forward as the
forwarding them takes up my whole time, to see them delayd
here would give me as much uneasiness as it would your
Honnours to hear of it. Needsessety therefore now Imbould-
ens me to draw on your Honnours for one hundred and fifty
pounds and also to request that at least that some (more) be
sent to me at Elk, that I may be enabled to fullfill my contracts
and forward the remaining part of the troops. There has no
part of the Troops sent on been delay'd one hour for wag-
gons, shallops or provisions. If Mr Joseph Gilpin who I have
drawn for has the money lodged with him, there is no doubt
but he can get a safe conveyance of it to Elk.
I am Gent Your Honours most obedt & most Hble Servt
H. Hollingsworth
P. S. Since writing the above as an oppertunity ofers I
have thought it most convenient and least complicated to draw
in favr of Mr Gilpin for three hundred pounds in one draught
which I have inclosed to him and am H. H.
C. S. J.
Monday Sepr 2d 1776.
Council met. Present the same members as on yesterday.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to John Amber
thirty seven shillings, for attending the Hospital.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Thoms White sixteen
pounds, seventeen shillings and six pence for Boatage for
Flying Camp.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Wm Cayton twenty
seven shillgs & ten pence for Cartage for Flying Camp.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Patrick Hannah sev-
enty three pounds, eight shillings for Tent-polls
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to John Parker three
pounds, five shillings for a Gun.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Wm Nevin & Compy
eighteen pounds, sixteen shillings and six pence for Bala of
his Acct