Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Joseph Gilpin for use
of Henry Hollingsworth three hundred pounds, to provide
necessaries for the Flying Camp.
Ordered That said- Treasurer pay to James Byers thirteen
pounds, two shillings, and six Pence for Boatage.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Colo Thos Ewing for
use and by order of Major Gist thirty pounds.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Joseph Dorsay six
Pounds, fifteen shillings for Boatage.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay Thos B: Hodgskin twenty
shillings for Cartouch paper.
Ordered That Supervisors of the Gun Lock manufactory
at Fredk deliver to Captn Thos Beall four Rifle Gun Locks.
Copy of Letter No 167 was sent to Captain Dames.
Ordered That Captains Forrest & Brooke immediately
march with their Companies to the City of Annapolis on their
way to the Flying Camp.
Ordered That Commissary of Stores deliver to Colo Ewing
or his order whatever Guns, Tents, Camp Kettles, Cartouch
Boxes, Gunslings, Bayonet Belts, Knap & Havresacks, Priming
wires, Brushes and Canteens.
Ordered That Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Captn Rich-
ardson three hundred pounds for Arms & Blankets.
Ordered That Captain James Tootle provide a Serjeant
and eight men of the Militia to guard the magazine near his
House, and that he endeavour to hire that number of men,
who will keep guard constantly, and let this Board know the
lowest price at which they can be got.
Robt Welsh was appointed Surgeon Assistant to Colonel
Ewings Battalion of the Flying Camp.
Adjourned till next day 10 oClock.
C. S. J.
[Council to Dames.]
To Captain Dames
Sergeant Barns of your Company having suggested to this
Board that his private Concerns will suffer very considerably
by his continuing longer in your Company, more especially as
the Company is now on their march to the Northward. We
therefore think that the Public service will not suffer by
Sergeant Barns' leaving your Company, therefore you are
directed to give him a discharge.
2d September 1776.
C. S. C.
No. 171.