part of his men already. I have no doubt bnt the Company
will be filled up in the course of this week, and ready to begin
their march, if your Bord can assist him with some of the arms
brought up by the Defence, which I hope will be done. He
has picked up some arms already and will want cash to pay
for them, the money lodg'd in the Committee's hands being
expended on Capt Fiddeman's Company. All the Companies
are I believe now on their march to Camp except Captn Golds-
borough's and the above, Capt Goldsborough I expect will set
off in a few days and I hope he will soon be followed by the
Caroline Company. I set out to day on my way to camp.
I am with due respect Gentlemen
Your mo: obedt Servt
Wm Richardson
[Nicholson to Council.]
Baltimore Sep' 1st 1776.
Gentlemen. The Bearer Mr Morris waits on you with an
application to have MrMiddleton's privateer stop'd and exam-
ined for 4 Deserters from the Frigate. Circumstances are
very strong that they are or will be on board her, for the par-
ticulars of which refer to him, this I hope you'll think necessary,
for should there not be an example made of those, if to be
found, 30 odd likewise from the Eastern Shore I expect will
leave her in the same manner.
I have sent three craft from this to wait your orders to get a
load of coal. The first two went before I expected or should
have wrote by them, and the last was out of the way. The
Resolution returned here yesterday, the officer says by your
direction. The Defence has required so much caulking that
I do not expect she can be down before the last of the week.
I am fitting and victualling her sufficient to go to sea should
you think proper to order her. I have found great difficulties
in getting her about two months salt provisions and as I did
not use your order in Philadelphia for that purpose (for the
reason refer to Messrs Chase & Paca) you'll please to send by
Mr Turnbull £514, one months pay, which shall apply to pay
the ship's necessary disbursements.
I am Genl Your most obliged Hble Servt
James Nicholson