C. S. J.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Doctr Hindman twelve
pounds, thirteen shillings & six Pence for attending Captn
Hindman's Company.
Ordered that Western Shore Treasurer pay Captn Alexr H.
Magruder one hundred pounds, on Acct of his Company.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Captn Robt
Martin twelve pounds, seven shillings & six Pence for Boat
Ordered That Brigadier General Chamberlain be requested
and he is hereby impowered to hire a Serjeant and eight men
for guarding the Magazine on the Eastern shore.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Colo Jere-
miah Jordan three hundred & fifty three pounds, seven shil-
lings & one Penny for militia on duty.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Timothy Bowes two
pounds, thirteen shillings for Amt of his Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Ja' Boyd eight pounds,
two shillings & six Pence for Bayonets.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn Dames three
hundred & forty five pounds, one shilling and six Pence for &
on Acct of his Compy
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Nicholas Harwood
twenty eight shillings for two day's Attenda as Asst Clerk in
the Council of Safety.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to John Johnson nine
pounds, two shillings, for thirteen Days Attendance in Council
of Safety, as Assistant Clerk.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn Thos Yates
eighty five pounds, four shillings and nine pence for Bala of
his Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Capt. Bussey thirty
seven shillings & six Pence, Balance of his Acct
Adjourned 'till Monday 10 "'Clock.
[Richardson to Council.]
Gentlemen. Gilpin's point 1st Sept 1776.
Upon Dr Potter's resigning his warrant for the inlistment of
men to compose a company for the flying Camp, my brother
Joe Richardson undertook to enlist them, and having in three
days made up the number, he now waits upon you for a com-
mission, and I hope he will meet your approbation and
appointment. The Ensign appointed for Capt Potter's Com-
pany declined to act, therefore it is necessary to have a new
appointment; my brother will mention a young man to your
honble Bord, which I believe will answer the purpose very
well, he is a sprightly, active stout young man & has engaged