of the Council of Safety, 1776. 229
[Dames to Council.]
Queen Ann's County Aug 21st 1776.
Gent: Yesterday Capt Dean produced an order from
your board, ordering the arms out of the hands of my com-
pany into that of Capt Dean's, which I think exceeding hard,
as I myself the rest of the officers and many of the privates
have taken very uncommon pains to collect arms for the use
of this Company.
I suppose the situation of my Company may have been
misrepresented to you, Mr Joseph Nicholson one of your
board informs me it has, that is that there was not a proba-
bility of arming my company. I can venture to answer you
that by Saturday next, we shall be well arm'd. I make not
the least doubt Gentn but in that case you would prohibit the
culling of my arms.
My men are exceedingly distressed for want of linnen,
it is not to be had here, therefore shall be much oblidged by 2
bolts of linnen, please dispatch it immediately, as we are
daily expecting orders to march.
Am Gen' your very ready Hble Servt
. John Dames
[Garrett to Council.]
Harford County Augt 21st 1776.
Sirs. I received by the hands of Colo Aquila Hall the sum
of fifty pounds to be applied towards the Salt petre works
under my care, the same is continued carrying on but what is
the reason I cant say, we cant produce the quantity I have
heard made at some places. We are assiduous at the Busi-
ness and loose no time from the work, except when applyed
in collecting the stock, the exact quantity made I cant justly
say, having not weighed of for sometime, I expect some odds of
two hundred weight, we daily increase the same something
I have sent down by this conveyance seventeen Bayonets and
seven Muskets fixt with Bayonets, the Muskets and Bayonets
were to have been presented to the Committee of this Counts
for the use of the public, but this opportunity offering imme-
diately to Annapolis, and Mr John Hall Lieutenant in Cap
Paca's company, Informing there being immediately wanted
I thought it adviseable to send them down, and trust you;
Honours will have them valued and allow me what they may
be valued to, and pay the same and of the Bayonets as p acct
inclosed to Mr Hall who will receive and transmit it to me
There is also in the Box a gun our committee agreed to give
a man forty five shillings for, which I paid him, some small
repair I did to the lock, and is charged in the accompt