228 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
they may be immediately made. As soon as the Tenting
Linen arrives from Parker which will be in a day or two at
farthest, deliver it to Johnson to be made up into Tents.
21 August 1776
No. 156.
[Council to Hancock.]
To the Hble John Hancock Esqr President of the Congress.
The President Informs us that by the order of the Conven-
tion he wrote to you for Ten Thousand Pounds for Money
advanced by this Province on Account of the Congress, if the
Requisition in that letter is complied with, we shall be obliged
if you will order the Money to be paid into the hands of Mr
Stephen Steward who will Convey it safely to us.
21 August 1776
No. 157.
[Council to Dames.]
To Captain Dames
Sir. It was represented to our Board that your Company
had but about Forty Musquets, those very indifferent, and that
there was not any probability of your getting a sufficient
number to make up the deficiency; upon this Information as
the Convention had directed us to despatch all the Companies
of Flying Camp Militia that could be armed with the utmost
Dispatch and as Capt Deans wanted but a few effective arms
to compleat his Company we issued the Orders, which we
should not have done had we been truly informed of your cir-
cumstances. Advise us of the number you have delivered to
Captain Deans and we will replace them as soon as possible
that your Company may march. We have not any Linen.
21 August 1776
No. 158.
[Council to Dorsey.]
To Mr. Samuel Dorsey, Ann Arundel County
Sir. We approve your Patterns for a Tent, but cannot
give the price you ask, one of the Baltimore Tentmakers was
here and says he will make them with a round seam for two
Dollars — if you will make them with such seams on your
moddle, we would have you proceed, otherwise be pleased to
make some agreeable to the Baltimore pattern at twelve
Shillings — if you do not care to make on those terms, send
the Linen you have to Baltimore Town to William Johnson
who has agreed to make at those prices.
The Tent Poles we will pay you for according to the price
given at Baltimore, which we cannot now ascertain.
We wish to hear more fully about the Bayonets.
21 August 1776