of the Council of Safety, 1776. 227
fourteen pounds, seven shillings & one Penny, for subsist: of a
Company of Flying Camp.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Thomas Rose three
Pounds sixteen shillings & nine Pence for subsist: of Part of
the Flying Camp.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Wm Johnson fifty three
Pounds, eleven shillings & four Pence, half Penny for Tent-
Adjourned 'till next day 10 oClock
C. S. J.
[Council to Cecil Committee.]
To The Committee of Observation Caecil County.
We approve very much of what you have done and send
you five hundred Pounds Currency by Captain George. You
will be pleased to purchase all the Guns & Blankets you can
for the use of the Province; there are not enough to be had
here, and are greatly wanting. — Cartouch Boxes, Bayonet
Belts and Gun Slings are sent up to Chester Town for
the Eastern Shore Companies and Colonel Richardson has
orders to distribute them among his Battalion. Canteens are
high, we have a number of Workmen engaged in making
Wooden Bottles at two shillings; a few at two shillings and
seven pence, and hope to supply you from Kent. Inclosed is
an order of Convention relative to the pay and Rations of the
Flying Camp militia. Knapsacks and Havresacks are making
at Baltimore Town and shall be sent up for the Companies,
and Priming Wires and Brushes if our Contractors furnish
them in time, which we expect they will do.
21 August 1776
C. S. C.
No. 154.
[Council to Griest.]
To Mr Isaac Griest Quarter Master.
Sir. We have received your Favors of the 19th & 20th
Instant. If Jacobs will not set all his hands to work on the
Tents and give the utmost dispatch in his power in having
them compleated, he must deliver the Linen to Johnson, as the
Troops must not be delayed on their March to the Northward.
Cloth at Twenty five shillings is abundantly two high for
Blankets, we think the Bottle makers should be exempt from
mustering while they are engaged in the service of the
Public, and dont doubt but their Captains will excuse them
for not attending, they must work Day and Night. Bayonet
Belts must be supplied the Flying Camp out of the magazine.
We shall want 600 more knapsacks & haversacks & desire
No. 155.