our committee. There has a report prevailed among us tho'
not much credited that the arms in our hands were to be put
in the hands of Capt Dean's company, such an order I veryly
believe wou'd give general dissatisfaction to the company as
there has been a great deal of pains taken by many in the'
company to procure arms, am not under the least doubt but if
camp equipage can be provided but we shall be ready to
march the first of next week. We are much in want of linnen,
therefore shall stand in need of your assistance, am told the
Council have a quantity by them, shall be glad of an order
from you for two Bolts of Oznag, and the Camp equipage
necessary for my company as soon as possible.
I am sir your very Hble Servt
John Dames.
C. S. J.
Wednesday Augt 21st 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the commanding officer of the Fortifications
in Annapolis, get the Turf necessary for the work from
ground belonging to the publick, & not injure private prop-
erty, if it can possibly be avoided.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Captn
Thomas Hammond thirty four pounds, two shillings & three
pence currency, for Musquets.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn Josha George
for use of Committee of Csecil County five hundred Pounds,
for arms and blankets.
Copy of Letter No 153 was sent to Committee of Kt
No154 to Isaac Griest. No 155 to J. Hancock Esqr.
Mr Steuard was authorized to lay out any sum not exceed-
ing three thousand pounds, of the money he may receive from
Congress, for the purchase of marine necessaries, for the use
of this state.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Joseph
Brewer fifty shillings for a musquet.
Ordered That Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Captn Jno
Watkins nine hundred pounds.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay James McKen-
zie three pounds, ten shillings for a musquet.
Copy of Letter No 156 was sent to Mr Saml Dorsey.
Ordered That Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Brigr Genl
Chamberlaine one hundred Pounds on Acct of his magazine.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Wm Shircliff
twenty four shillings for Barracks for Flying Camp.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Colo John Addison