of the Council of Safety, 1776. 221
[Council to Hollingsworth.]
To Colonel Henry Hollingsworth
Sir. We received yours of the 14th of August and are of
opinion your plan for forwarding the Troops is a very good
one, and therefore we approve of it. Any expenses that may
be incurred you will be pleased to pay, and send down the
accounts properly authenticated and you shall be reimbursed,
besides satisfaction for your trouble. When you want cash
apply with the order inclosed to the Eastern Shore Treasurer
and he will let you have three hundred Pounds. What further
may be expended let us know and you shall be paid. We
would have you apply with all diligence to making Bayonets,
and also Barrels of every kind, more especially the large ones
contracted for.
19th August 1776
C. S. C.
No. 150.
[Council to Ewing.]
To Colonel Ewing
Sir. We received yours of the 18th and observe your
Complaint which arises not from us, but a very different
cause, we mean your Companies not being Armed. — The
order of Convention is that all the Companies are to March
that can be armed and equiped. Captain Forrest and Cap-
tain Brooks have no Armes but what they have Borrowed or
can borrow of the Militia, we have therefore ordered them to
their Stations in Calvert and Saint Marys to supply the place
of Captain Beall and Captain Thomas. Captain Hansen's
Company we have ordered to March to this City and also
Caps Bowie and Tillard on their way to the Camp, when they
can get armed and equipped. When that can be done, we
shall give you the proper orders on the Commissary of Stores.
We are sorry to have occasion so often to repeat what we had
before told you, that your Companies are not to March
unarmed. As soon as they get arms we shall order them to
March immediately.
19 August 1776
No. 151.
[Council to Kent Committee.]
To the Committee of Observation Kent County.
The Co. of S. request you will buy up what wooden bottles
you can, not exceeding 300, for the use of the Province. The
order of Convention for the marching of our Troops was
rather unexpected and our workmen cannot supply the
Bottles so expeditiously as the service requires.
19th August 1776.
No. 152.