Journal and Correspondence
[Griest to Council.]
Baltimore Town Augt 19th 1776.
Gentlemen. I have been with the Tent makers and find
Mr Johnson has made up all the tent cloth he had. Mr Jacobs
has two boys at work and has stuff by him to make upwards
of 20 tents and has sail makers at work on old sails, he says
he has orders to get more tent cloth from Elk Ridge, but I am
certain Johnson will do them much sooner as he has now 4 or
5 hands idle. No tent cloth came from Parker, no Brushes or
Priming Wires save 150 to be had here in less than two
weeks. The Knap & Haversacks for the two companies are
painted this day and to morrow if possible shall send them
over the Bay. Shall send down the Cartouch boxes &c by
the first opportunity. I can find no. cloth in town at less than
25/ Pr yard, and 'twill take more than two yards to make a
Blanket. Colo Ewing has taken almost all the canteens that
were made, but have been with the coopers and desired them
to work night and day, and not take time to muster till they
have served the Flying Camp for which I hope you'll excuse
me. I have delivered cartouch boxes and Gun Slings to the
Captns of the 3 Companies here and 12 Bayonets which were
all in the Magazine. I dont know what will be done for
Blankets. All our guns are in bad order and very few
Bayonets, the Smiths are all at work upon them. I shall do
all in my power to obey your orders.
& am Gentn Your most obt hble Servt
J. Griest.
[Bourk to Jenifer.]
Sir. I have this morning received your orders, and will
obey them with pleasure. I hope to set off for Annapolis on
Wednesday or Thursday at farthest, on my way to Philada
this I take to be the least expensive mode of travelling.
I believe I shall receive fifty guns from the Committee ;
there are some which want repair. I shall omit having them
repaired till I. get to Annapolis or Philada From some dis-
appointments I met with the number of Blankets is not
completed. I wish I may be able to furnish myself in
Annapolis; 'twill give new spirits to the men. I am Sir, with
respect your Most obedt Hble Servant
Cambridge Aug. 19th 1776. Thomas Bourk.
C. S. J,
Tuesday August 20th 1776.
Council met. Present the same members, as on yesterday.
Copy of Letter No 153 was sent to Mr Jesse Hollings-