22 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
You must be sensible that all the arms we can procure in
the Public way will be immediately wanted, therefore send
what you have already made and all you can make down to
Gerrard Hopkins the Commissary of Stores at Baltimore.
It will be necessary that the , Barrels should be proved, the
common Proof is the weight of the Ball in Powder and one
Ball; this may be done before Mr John Rumsey and Docr
Thorns Andrews or either of them and a Certificate taken
thereof, as also of their Delivery to the Commissary, unless
you incline to have them proved before Captain Smith in Bal-
10thjuly 1776
No. 22.
[Council to Whetcroft.]
To Mr. William Whetcroft
The Council of Safety have been informed that you have a
Servant who understands the Business of Tent making — if so,
and you are desirous of having him employed in that Busi-
ness, we will immediately set him to work and find employ-
ment for him some time.
10th July 1776.
No. 23.
[Council to Dorsey.]
To Colonel Thos Dorsey
Sir. The Regular Forces in the pay of this Province leave
this City this evening; the sooner therefore the Company you
are to send get here the better. It will be proper under the
Resolves of the Convention, that three Companies of our
Neighbouring Militia should be stationed in Annapolis until
the place of the Regular Troops ordered from here can be
supplied by the Militia to be raised for the Flying Camp.
When Colonel John Dorsey was with us, we conceived that
your Company of Militia might be discharged when the Com-
pany of Militia raised on Elk Ridge for the Flying Camp
marched here, but upon further considering the Resolve, ap-
prehend there must be three Companies of the Neighbouring
Militia in this City, until the places of the Regular Troops can
be supplied by the Flying Camp Militia. You may rely on it
however that the Company of your Battalion which comes
down shall be relieved as soon as possible.
You must be mistaken in what you wrote about the Vote
of Congress, those only of the Militia that compose the Flying
Camp are to March to Philadelphia or any where out of the
July 10th 1776.