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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 23

[Tillard to Council.]

Gentlemen. July 10th, 1776.
I have nearly rais'd my thirty men as directed by my war-
rant, and I believe the Lts and Ensign is in a fair way of raising
theirs, but they have but few or no firelocks fit for service
among them, if you have none ready, I am told Mr Stephen
West hath some very good ones which I dont doubt may be
procur'd for the Service. I would willingly have firelocks put
in the hands of these men that could be depended on; and if
you think proper to give me an order I will go and secure
them, and fit out my Company as soon as compleated. I am
told his price is [ ]6. Currency a piece.
I am Gentlemen
Your Obedient Sevt
Edwd Tillard


[Davis's Petition.]

To the Honourable the Council of Safety of Annapolis and
State of Maryland, the Humble petition of William Davis,
sheweth, that your Petitioner being enlisted in Capt Watkins's
Company of Artillery at a time when your petitioner was not
in his proper senses as he ought to be & having a poor weakly
wife & four small children who by your petitioner being
enlisted are now destitute of any home or habitation no one
being willing to let them have any house to live in, fearing
that by reason of your petitioners enlistment my said family

should become a burthen & charge to them & Others. Your

petitioner would therefore humbly implore your Honours gra-
cious consideration of the condition of your Petitioners wife &
children being in truth as above related, and would therefore
be pleased to discharge your petititioner with the flying camp
agreeable to his first enlistment, my wife being but a weakly
person and my children small and your petitioner as in duty
bound shall ever pray :

William Davis.

[Dorsey to Council.]

Sir. I shall in compliance with my orders, from the Council
of Safety, take every method to collect my Battalion and hold
them in readiness for orders

Am Sir, Your most Humble Servt
Wednesday 5 o'Clock in the Morng Thomas Dorsey.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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