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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 21

induces us to think you will exert your utmost Endeavours to
bring in as great a Quantity of that sort, and in as small a
space of time as lies in your power.
10th July 1776

C. S. C.

[Council to Garrett.]

To Mr. Amos Garrett
We request you will exert yourselves in supplying us with
Bayonets. They are much wanting for our Militia of the Fly-
ing Camp
10th July 1776

No. 18.

[Council to Steward.]

To Mr. Stephen Steward
We are in great want of Tents, can your Sail Maker
engage in that Business for us.
ioth July 1776

No. 19.

[Council to Archer and Harris.]

To Messrs John Archer and James Harris
Gentlemen. You are by obligation bound to pay three
hundred Pounds borrowed of the Province in Linen one third
thereof by the first of June, one third by the first of September
and the residue by the first of December in such sizes as
should be wanted by this Colony.
The Public Service requires Linen of about a six hundred
or courser fit for Tenting or Tow Linen wove thick as our
Troops must very shortly take the Field.
We have the confidence in your Public Spirit and Ardour
to serve your Country, that you will as soon as possible
furnish us with what Quantity you can, as some of our Country
men may be too fatally exposed to the Inclemency of the
Weather without it.

No. 20.

July 10th 1776

[Council to Dallam.]

To Mr. Richard Dallam
The Regular Forces were ordered by Convention to march
from Annapolis and Baltimore, and an equal number of the
Militia to be raised for the Flying Camp, were directed when
raised to supply their places.

No. 21.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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