terms, yet I expect them soon to be lower, when I hope I
shall be able to perform my contract.
As you are in immediate want of them and that my connec-
tions lie in Baltimore, Yorke, & Hardford Cumberland
Counties, I think I could in a short time lay in a quantity of
those sorts, will only charge 2 1/2 per cent for my trouble you
repaying me, when I deliver them. I have at the Bleach Yard
about 40 pieces from 5s/6d to 7s/6d per yard, green, if they
would ansr let me know and if the above terms are agreable,
please to acquaint me by a line per return of post, and your
orders shall be thankfully received and carefully executed by
your most obedient humble Servant John McFadon
P. S. When I can procure any quantity, will forward them
to you, or deliver them here as you order. Let me know at
what prices you'll have them. John McFadon
[Ewing to Council.]
Baltimore 18th August 1776.
Hond Sirs. I yesterday forwarded three Companys Cap-
tains Posey, Young & Lowe to Head of Elk on their way to
Philadelphia under the command of Major Edin, at which
place he is to receive further orders. I have Isued orders to
Captains Magruder, Hanson and Brooks to march . with the
officers and soldiers under their command here immediately,
so as to embark for their station. You will please give me
an order for what things I may want out of the Commissary's
store for sending them off. I mean to march with these three
companys myself. I intended ordering Captains Tillard &
Bowie for to march, but from a letter just now received from
Capt Tillard, his and Capt Bowie's company is stoped. I should
be glad to know what companys your Honours intend to give
me in place of Captains Forrist, Tillard & Bowie. I should
at the same time esteem it a favour to be permitted to have
them Companys with me.
I have the honour to be Hond Sirs
Your most obedt Humb!e Servt
Thos Ewing