218 Journal and Correspondence
was acting beyond my line of office. It being my duty only
to prescribe for the sick, the Medicines ought to have been
delivered to me ready for prescription. The Hospital is now
filled with sick soldiers which I'm ready to attend, and like-
wise the train of Artillery or any other troops that may be
stationed in this City. I should be sorry that the Battalion
should suffer, from my not marching with them, and really, as
I'm circumstanc'd at present that is impracticable. No man
has the prosperity of our army more at heart, nor is more
deeply affect'd with our present distresses or more ardently
wishes an honourable reconciliation than
Yr Honours most obedient & obliged Hble Servant
17th August 1776. Rd Tootell
[J. Hollingsworth to Council.]
I Recd a Letter this Instant Informing that you Never Got
the Naills I Sent them Immedetly On the Rec' of your Order
the Ware Put on Bord of Mideltons Botes in Care of Mr Grist
Quartermaster Who Was to See them Delivered to the
Counsill I have Even Made it My Busines to fill all the Orders
from you and shall at all Times Wth Pleasure. I have a Skow
Redy for you and Want your farther Directions a Bout the
Botes. the Soldiers for the flying Camp are To Go On Bord
this month I have Been Very Busy Geting Vesells and
Neseryes On Bord for them at the Request of the offisers as
the Told mee you Orderd it I Beleve the Will Pay the Expence
But should Bee Glad of a Line On this mat" if I am to
Transact all Such Busines for the Offisers
On Mee and I Dont Like to Disoblige them — Pleas to Inquire
of Middeltons People for the Naills and Tee and Coffy as I
think the all Went to Gether in Care of Mr Grist quarter
from your Humble Servant
August 17, 1776 Jesse Hollingsworth
[McFadon to Council.]
Baltimore August the 18th 1776
Sirs. Your esteemed favour of the 10th Inst. I received and
having duly observed the contents, for answer acquaint you,
that I have not been able to manufacture or purchase any
quantity of coarse Linnens as yet, owing to the scarcity of
Hands to manufacter, and the great demand there is for
hunting shirts, trousers &c which has advanced the price of
Brown Linnen so that I could not think to purchase on them