20 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C
No. 14
[Council to Jesse Hollingsworth.]
To Mr. Jesse Hollingsworth
Sir. We have four hundred and fifty yards of Country
Linnen Cloath fit for making Tents, and want a man from
Baltimore immediately to make it up. We shall be much
obliged to you if you will send us such a Person down without
delay as the service will be greatly forwarded by it. If a per-
son can be got to make it up in Baltimore it shall be sent to
you on notice directly.
10th July 1776.
No. 15
[Council to Smyth, Hands, and Nicholson.]
To Messrs Smyth, Hands and Nicholson.
Do you know of any one who will engage in the Tent
making business for the Province, pray inform us immedi-
ately & as soon as the Waggons arrive from below advise us
of it.
10th July 1776
No. 16
[Council to Buchanan.]
To Brigadier General Buchanan.
Sir. There is an indispensible necessity that the militia for
the Flying Camp should be provided as soon as they are
raised with Cartouch Boxes, but as this cannot be accom-
plished in proper time without a return of those which were
delivered the Militia in your district when the Otter Sloop of
War was up the Bay, there not being a sufficient quantity
without them, we desire you will immediately collect and
return them to the Magazine in this City or Baltimore Town.
The service requires the utmost expedition in this matter and
will not admit of a moments delay.
10th July 1776
Copies of the above Letter sent [each, endorsed, to save
time] to Col. A. Hall, Dorsey & Rumsey.
No. 17.
[Council to Parker.]
To Mr. Edward Parker
The service requires an immediate supply of Linen Cloth
fit for making Tents.
The encouragement you have met with, and still may expect
to meet, together with the punctuality hitherto shewn by you,