204 Journal and Correspondence
experienced Hands for those inexperienced. Hope to give
satisfaction on the whole and am with much esteem, Sirs,
Your much obliged Humble Servt
H. Hollingsworth
Head of Elk 14th August 1776.
[Nichols to Jenifer.]
Sir. Wye River August 14th 1776.
I received yours bearing date 9th this instant in regard to
the Flint Stones at Emerson's Landing. I believe there is
two Tun at least, that is very readily got at.
I am Sir your most Obedt Servt
Samuel Nicholls
[Lowe to Council.]
Baltimore August 14th 1776.
Gentlemen. As I had unfortunately engaged the Hunting
shirts for my Company, before I wailed on you not doubling
but your Honours wou'd have furnished me with cash to have
paid for them, and as you did not, I was under the necessity of
paying for them with the money you furnished me with to
carry the said Company to Philadelphia, that together with
sheaths for a parcell of bayonets, shoes, hats and body shirts,
which articles the said Company could not march without, has
taken the most of the money you give me, for the purpose of
carrying the Company to Philadelphia. I am therefore under
the necessity of begging your Honours to grant me a further
supply by the return of Collo Ewing or an order on him to
supply me with what will be necessary for that purpose, as it
is impracticable for me to pretend to march my Company
without I have warewithall to furnish them with necessarys of
life. I am Gentn Your Honour's
Most obedt Hble Servant
Jno Hawkins Lowe.
[Dalton to Jenifer.]
Sir. Alexandria August 14th 1776.
By an account received from Messrs Danl & Saml Hughes,
this commonwealth became indebted to your province for the
expence of powder &c expended in proving the Two Eighteen
pounders for the Gallies. Inclosed is an order for the amount
from the Honourable The Privy Council, Twenty eight pounds,
two shillings on the rect of which you will be pleased, have a
receipt directed to me. I am with due compliments,
Sir, Your mo. Hble Servt
John Dalton