of the Council of Safety, 1776. 203
approved of by your Honnours. The troops as they arrive to
be provided with waggons at Elk to carry the baggage &c to
Xteen, whare shallops are provided or if not there at Newport
or Wilmington, whare at furthest our waggons are to be
relieved, whare there is Baracks provided for a Battalion and
whare I have by the advice and recommendation of Brigade
Genl McKinley appointed Mr Jonathan Rumford to provid
provisions, shallops and Waggons as occation may require to
forward them to Chester, whare there is good well finish'd
empty Baracks for a thowsand men, and whare by the
General's recommendation I apply'd to David Copeland to
provide provisions, open the Barracks &c &c, so that by this
method of proceeding the Troops will make the march from
Elk to Philadelphia in three days (one day of 18 and two of
15 miles) and may have good Baracks and fresh provisions at
each stage, by which means the tents and three forths the
baggage may go by the shallops, as also the sick or ailing,
and in some cases when there is room a company or two may
go. In this Gentlemen I have far sirpassed my orders. Capt
Alin Thomas was with me who highly approv'd the mode of
proceeding. By him I acquainted the Honourable members
of Congress for this province, as this method appears to me
most comfortable to the troops, the cheapest and liable to the
least delay, I flattar myselfe of your Honnours, and their
Approbation. As these things are attended with considerable
expence for which (with some arms I am compleating here for
Capt Alexander's Company) I have advanced freely. I submit
it whither some person being appointed in this county to pay
the several expenses, may not be conduceve to the service and
am Your Honours most obedt Hble Servt
H. Hollingsworth.
P. S. My accounts should have come down, but have been
too much hurried to make them out. 2. P. S. The 200 large
Barrels will be a work of some time, how much I cannot say,
as we have not been able to suckseed to my wish yet, and the
call for Muskets bbls has been so great that I could not spare
any hands from them, have now engaged a sett of Hands
from Lanchester with intent to set them at the large Bbls.
have got a pattern made and prov'd which am in hopes will
do, have also got the Bayonetts making so well fix'd that
baring accidents we shall finish forty a week. But few weeks
happen without some interruption (from one quarter or other),
the sarvice notwithstanding the resolve in our favour ridds me
of many good hands, for when they will go I can't stop them,
but have been yet able to procure others without any great
disadvantage, more than must naturally arise from chaing