C. S. C.
No. 133.
[Council to Northumberland Committee.]
The Committee of Northd County
Gentn You will be pleased to deliver to Captn Jas Nicholson
or order, the powder, arms & ozns imported in the Molly,
Captn Conway, & which you were so obliging as to land in a
place of security. We shall be happy in having it in our
power to render you the like good offices, & will most cheer-
fully repay you every expence that you have been put to on
Acct of this importation.
14th Augt 1776.
[Wiesenthal to Council.]
Gentlemen. Annapolis Aug 14th 1776.
When I was before the Council the time before I set out for
New York, I was desired to furnish the council a memoran-
dum concerning the Direction of physical matters of the mili-
tary, in the province; and that it was unavoidable, the nature
of the circumstances requires it, which memorandum you
intended to lay before the Convention, but as imidiately
after Dr Toothill was appointed for the present Battallion, and
acting at the same time as Director, it gives me room to sup-
pose myself to be superseeded and consequently discharged
from any provincial Employment, my commission being .Sur-
geon to the Battallion of Colo Smallwood, I never looked
upon to be what I intended, but accepted it merely since the
other was not as yet established. Should my suggestions of
my discharge be your intention, be then pleased to give Dr
Toothill or any body else an order for the delivery of the
remaining Medicines of the province now under my care, and
as there will be a Ballance coming to me, both for the Bat-
talion as well as the attendance at Baltimore Town and Fort,
you will please to issue your order for that purpose.
I have the honor to be with due respect, Gentlemen,
Your most obedt & Hble Servant,
C. Wiesenthal
[H. Hollingsworth to Council.]
To the Honourable Council of Safety of Maryland.
Gentlemen. Your several letters relative to forwarding the
troops I have Recd, have give every assistance in my power,
but have found much dificulty in some cases to give that dis-
patch I could have wish'd (on account of our waggons being
taken on to Philada, so that the next troops were obliged to
wait their return) that it hath from needsessety induc'd me to
forrne the following plan, which I flatar myselfe will be