of the Council of Safety, 1776. 195
therefore mentioned it to you submitting whether such an
order would not be proper. One thing also give me leave to
mention, the victualler at Annapolis will find the troops coming
by water, but little salt provision. I drew two days provision,
chiefly fresh, all the fresh was so totally spoiled on the second
day, that we could not use a morsel of it, it must happen so to
others, and I submit it whether it would not be better to
direct him to furnish the Troops going by water principally
with salt provision whilst the hot weather continues. For
want of salt provision I have been obliged to buy on the
passage at extravagant prices. I hope the freedom I have
taken will be excused by Gent.
Your most obedt Hble Servt
J. A. Thomas.
[H. Hollingsworth's memorial.]
To the Honourable The Council of Safety of Maryland: the
memorial of your memorilist. Humbly sheweth that your
Memorilist did provide provisions waggons shallops wood
and other necessaries for the Maryland and Virginia troops
on their way from the Head of Elk, to the Flying Camp. —
that your Memorialist being unprovided with salt provisions,
and other necessaries, was under the disagreeable necessity of
giving more, — Frequently for Provisions for said troops than
reasonably may be supposed by Gentlemen unacquainted with
the circumstance of the matter, he seldom knowing when they
would arrive till they did and in some cases being informed
off and expecting troops and making provisions for them, was
disapointed and oblidged to salt and sometimes sell, said pro-
visions for considerably less than it cost, bread in such cases
entirely lost, this together with the provisions being to be
made and provided at the several different places, the weather
being warm of course rendered it impossible to transport them
from one place to the other with Safety salt not to be had this
being a just representation of the case your Memoralist beg
leave to lay it before and assure your Honors that if his
accounts are settled in the common way he shall be a very
considerable sufferer, submitting the whole of the premises to
your honours consideration, not doubting of such Indulgence
in this particular case as justice and the necessity of the case
may require & your Memoralist as in duty bound &c. Will
H. Hollingsworth :