196 Journal and Correspondence
up his lat warrant of quartermaster in the forth Battalion of
Melitia we therfor and in hops this Honble Bord will essue yr
warrant to as worthy a gentelman, who now apply and also is
recomended by us the offics of the Wye company, William
Perrey Esq offer his serves, as Quartermaster is well known
by every man in the County. He ever appeared to be harty
in the cause of the libertys of America, he steped forth early
in the present cause and his integrity seems to be soported
with Zeal and earnestness to the present cause. Yr comply-
ance I make no doubt will giv great satisfaction to the Peopel
in genniral.
I am gentelmen Yr most obdt Hble Servt
August 11th 1776. Jab Gibson
Robt Hall
Robt Dwiggins