to be relieved and I am convinced Generals would rather have
those whom they can with more propriety command. The
Captains here have come to a resolution of buying linnen &
having hunting shirts made for all their soldiers. Capt Posey
with his company arrrived here 9th & I expect Capt Forrest
this day or to morrow. You will please send an order for
things to equip Capt Forrest out. Capt Posey will write you
for some money, which please send, the gunsmith wrought
all night and works all this day. I am as industrious as I can
but can do but little without your assistance, for God sake if
any way possible, let me have some arms. The Gentleman I
sent to Frederick and Virginia has bought none which is a
great disappointment to me. He tells me they give £4. 5. O.
in Virginia for muskets that currency. The present accompa-
nies Cap" John Hawkins Low who goes down to settle his
accot. I dont expect I shall be able to get his or any of the
companys from this before Wednesday next. There will be a
quantity of Haver and Knapsacks made together. You will
please send me an order for a sufficiency to supply 4 com-
panys and I will not lift the others. I shall esteem it a favour
your not detaining Capt Lowe as he will be wanted here.
I am with due respect Hond Sir,
Your most obedt Hble Servt
Thos Ewing
NB. Capt Young has got iron potts, for his company,
which he would be glad to have exchanged for Camp Kettles
with the troops who stay here on acct of carriadge, Wooden
Bowles and Trenchers, spoons and knives awanting for the
use of Battalion, would be glad to know, if you are to furnish
them or not. I am geting scabbards made for bayonets
which I suppose is agreeable.
[Thomas to Council.]
Head of Elk 11th of Augt 1776.
Gentn After a tedious passage of almost four days I arrived
here this morning, the other Boats are all in sight. On my
arrival here I applied to Col Hollinsworth for provision, and
was informed by him that he had no orders from you for that
purpose, however I have procured what Beef and Bread I
want for the present, and propose to start from hence early on
the morrow. Col Hollingsworth Informs me that if you would
give him a general order to supply the troops that come here
with provisions, baggage waggons, he would take care to have
all those necessarys on the shortest notice, but without such
order he thinks twould be wrong in him to do it. I have