of the Council of Safety, 1776. 193
[Archer and Harris to Council.]
Inclosed you have a bill of what the hemp linnen delivered
to the Commissary of Stores cost us p yard, as near as we
can make it out at this time, as we have not got all the
materials which we purchased manufactored,when we have shall
chearfully submit a just and true acct thereof to you agreeable
to our proposals. At this time we have as much thread spun
as would answer our contract with the Convention if we could
get it wove, but there is great difficulty in procuring Weavers
as great numbers in our parts have enlisted in the Flying
Camp and those that remain have advanced their prices.
We have now delivered to the Commissary of Stores 269
yards of hemp linnen as p receipt, and hope in a short time
to deliver a quantity more. We are Gent with great respect
Your most obliged & very Humble Servts
Archer & Harris
[Ewing to Council.]
Baltimore 11th August 1776.
Hond Sirs.
I did myself the pleasure of writing you 7th Inst pr Lieu'
Chew to which beg leave to refer, since which have been hon-
oured with yours of the 6th current accompanyed by Capt
Young and his Company. I observe you have given him
£125 which he has laid out in shoes, stockings, hunting and
body shirts for his soldiers, he has layd out more and has
applyed to me for more money. I shall be glad if you would
send him sixty pounds or allow me to give it to him, as it will
be for the good of his Company and of course of the Service.
The Committee cannot procure the quantity of Gunns ordered.
Mr John Smith son of Captn Youngs Lieutenant tells me the
Committee of Harford had 30 stand and that Mr Richard Dal-
lam had 30 stand more compleated. I shall be much obliged
for an Order for them for to compleat Captn Young's company
so as to send them off.
You omitted inclosing me an order for necessaries to com-
pleat Capt Young's Company, which please send me with the
order you mention for the blanketts.
You will please likewise to give me an order for what tents
is made or what you allow I should take with me. With
respect to arms I dont doubt but if I was to march all my Bat-
talion without arms to the Camp at the Jerseys but there
would enough of the gentlemen malitia would be very glad to
lend them arms on accot of being relieved by us. I under-
stand some of the malitia are grumbling very much and want