As I purpose sending off more than two Companys, I shall be
obliged to you for an order for more guns, when received, for
Camp Kettles, Canteens or wooden Bottles, cartouch boxes
and Belts, Bayonet Scabbards and belts, with Gun Slings.
If your Honours thought proper to give me unlimited order
for compleating my Battalion with such, I shall take nothing
but what the Captains shall give a receipt and shall observe
to them that they are accountable for every thing. I shall be
much obliged for your answer and am with due respect
Hond Sirs your most obedt Servt
Thos Ewing.
C. S. J.
Tuesday 6 August 1776.
Council met. Present the same members as on yesterday.
Commissions issued to the following Officers of a Company
of Militia for the flying Camp, of Col. Charles Greenbury
Griffith's Battalion.
Jacob Good Capt. dated 4 July
John B. Thompson 1 Lt 15
John Ghiselin 2 Lt 15 July
John Smith Ens. 15
And to the following Officers of a-Company belonging to
the Eastern Shore Battalion.
Walter Alexander Capt. July 24.
Andw Porter 1 Lt
Harman Arrants 2 Lt Augt 3
Geo. Hamilton Ens. July 25.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Mr
Samuel Earle 1 Bolt of Oznaburgs for Capt. Dean's Company.
That the said Commissary deliver to Doctr Rd Tootell a
Quantity of brown Rolls sufficient to make 20 Beds for the
Ordered That William Jacob of Baltimore Town deliver to
Samuel Dorsey one Tent with Poles compleatly finished.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
James Taylor four pounds five Shillings for a Musquet.
That the said Treasurer pay to Robert Wood of Frederick
County three hundred Pounds to enable him to erect a slitting
Ordered That Capt. Young, Capt Howard, Capt. Bussey
and Capt. Yates immediately march their Companies to Balti-
more Town; the three last to be stationed there as part of
Josias Carvel Hall's Battalion: And Capt. Young to be sub-
ject to the Order of Col. Ewing.
That Capt. Good's Company proceed immediately up the
Bay to the Head of Elk, and from thence to the City of Phila-
delphia to join the flying Camp.