[Ewing to Council.]
Baltimore 5th August 1776.
Honb" Sirs. I have this day delivered your order to the
Committee of observation for this County, for 84 guns, they
have returned me for answer, that they have not as many, bul
expect soon to let me have that quantity. I have sent off a
Gentleman to Frederick Town who is likewise to go to Shep-
herd's Town in Virginia, where I am in hopes he will be able
to procure a quantity of Guns and Riffles, if agreeable to you
I propose making one of my Compy a Riffle Company as a
Light Infantry Company to the Battalion. I shall be much
obliged to you for an order on the Committee here for a
Quantity of Blankets for my soldiers, which are to embark on
Thursday or Friday next. As there is a quantity of arms
arrived at Philadelphia since I had the pleasure of seeing you
and as they are indebted to you some arms, I shall be much
obliged to you, your giveing me an order on them for some
Guns, and allowing me to march some of my soldiers to Phila
delphia without guns. You know I am very desirous of
geting to station, therefore shall esteem it a particular favour
an indulgence. Upon enquiry Mr Hopkins has about 400
Hunting Shirts which I should be glad you would allow me to
take for the use of my Troops, and for which they shall pay