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desert shall suffer such punishment as shall be ordered by the
sentence of a General Court Martial.
Art. 10. All Officers of what condition soever shall have
power to part and quell all quarrels, frays and disorders,
though the persons concerned should belong to another Regi-
ment, troop, or Company: And either order Officers to be
arrested, or non commissioned Officers or Soldiers to be con-
fined or imprisoned till their proper superior Officers should
be acquainted therewith; and who ever shall refuse to obey
such Officer (though of an inferior rank) or shall draw his
sword upon him, shall be punished at the discretion of a
General Court Martial.
Art. 11. No Officer or Soldier shall use any reproachful or
provoking speeches or gestures to another; nor shall presume
to send a challenge to any person to fight a duel; and who-
ever shall knowingly and willingly suffer any person whatso-
ever to go forth to fight a duel, or shall second, promote or
carry any challenge, shall be deemed as a principal; And
whatsoever Officer or Soldier shall upbraid another for refusing
a challenge, shall also be considered as a Challenger; and all
such Offenders, in any of these or such like cases, shall be
punished at the discretion of a General Court Martial.
Art. 12. Every Officer commanding in quarters, or on a
march, shall keep good order, and to the utmost of his power,
redress all such abuses, or disorders which may be committed
by any Officer or Soldier under his Command; if upon any
complaint made to him of Officers or Soldiers beating, or
otherwise ill treating any person, or of committing any kind
of Riot to the disquieting of the Inhabitants of this Continent;
he the said Commander, who shall refuse, or omit to see justice
done on the Offender or Offenders, and reparation made to
the party or parties injured as far as the Offenders wages shall
enable him or them, shall upon due proof thereof, be punished
as ordered by a general Court Martial, in such manner as if
he himself had committed the crimes or disorders com-
plained of.
Art. 13. If any Officer should think himself to be wronged
by his Colonel, or the commanding Officer of the Regiment,
and shall upon due application made to him, be refused to be
redressed, he may complain to the General or Commander in
Chief of the Continental forces in order to obtain justice, who
is hereby required to examine into said complaint and see that
justice be done.
Art. 14. If any inferior Officer or Soldier shall think him-
self wronged . by his Captain or other Officer commanding the
troops or Company to which he belongs, he is to complain
thereof to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, who is