hereby required to summon a Regimental Court Martial for
the doing justice to the complainant, from which Regimental
Court Martial, either party may, if he thinks himself still
aggrieved, appeal to a general Court Martial; but if upon a
second hearing, the appeal shall appear to be vexatious and
groundless, the person so appealing shall be punished at the
discretion of the General Court Martial.
Art. 15. Whatsoever noncommissioned Officer or Soldier,
shall be convicted at a Regimental Court Martial, of having
sold, or designedly, or through neglect, wasted the ammuni-
tion, arms or provisions, or other Military Stores, delivered
out to him, to be employed in the service of this Continent,
shall, if an Officer be reduced to a private centinal; and if a
private Soldier, shall suffer such punishment as shall be
ordered by a regimental Court Martial.
Art. 16. All non-commissioned Officers and soldiers who
shall be found one mile from the Camp, without leave in
writing from their commanding Officer shall suffer such pun-
ishment as shall be inflicted on him or them by the sentence of
a regimental Court martial.
Art. 17. No Officer or Soldier shall lie out of his quarters,
or camp, without leave from the Commanding Officer of the
regiment, upon penalty of being punished according to the
nature of his Offence by order of a regimental Court martial.
Art. 18. Every non commissioned Officer and Soldier shall
retire to his quarters, or tent at the beating of the retreat;
in default of which he shall be punished according to the nature
of his Offence, by order of the Commanding Officer.
Art. 19. No Officer, non commissioned Officer or Soldier
shall fail of repairing, at the time fixed, to the place of parade
or exercise, or other rendezvous appointed by the commanding
Officer, if not prevented by sickness, or some other evident
necessity; or shall go from the said place of rendezvous, or
from his guard, without leave from his commanding Officer
before he shall be regularly dismissed or relieved, on penalty
of being punished according to the nature of his Offence, by
the sentence of a regimental Court Martial.
Art. 20. Whatsoever commissioned Officer shall be found
drunk on his guard, party or other duty, under Arms, shall be
cashiered for it: any non commissioned Officer or Soldier so
offending, shall suffer such punishment as shall be ordered by
the sentence of a regimental Court Martial.
Art. 21. Whatsoever centinel shall be found sleeping upon
his post, or shall leave it before he shall be regularly relieved,
shall suffer such punishment as shall be ordered by the sen-
tence of a general Court martial.
Art. 22. Any person belonging to the Continental Army,
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