first Offence, forfeit one sixth of a Dollar to be deducted out of
his next pay; for the second Offence he shall not only forfeit a
like sum, but be confined for twenty four hours; and for every
like Offence shall suffer and pay in like manner, which money
so forfeited shall be applied to the sick soldiers of the Troop
or Company to which the Offender belongs.
Art. 3. Whatsoever non commissioned Officer, or Soldier
shall use any profane oath or execration, shall incur the penal-
ties expressed in the Second Article; and if a non-commis-
sioned Officer be thus guilty of profane cursing or swearing,
he shall forfeit and pay for each and every such Offence, the
sum of four shillings lawful money.
Art. 4. Any Officer or Soldier who shall behave himself
with contempt or disrespect towards the General or Generals,
or Commander in Chief of the Continental forces, or shall
speak false words, tending to his, or their hurt, or dishonour,
shall be punished according to the nature of his Offence, by
the judgment of a general Court Martial.
Art. 5. Any Officer or Soldier who shall begin, excite,
cause or join in any Mutiny or sedition in the Regiment, Troop
or Company to which he belongs, or in any other regiment,
troop or company of the Continental forces, either by land or
sea, or in any party, post, detachment or guard, on any pre-
tence whatsoever, shall suffer such punishment as by a General
Court Martial shall be ordered.
Art. 6. Any Officer, non commissioned Officer or Soldier,
who being present at any mutiny or sedition, does not use his
utmost endeavours to suppress the same, or coming to the
knowledge of any mutiny, or intended mutiny, does not, with-
out delay, give information thereof, to the Commanding
Officer, shall be punished by order of a general Court Martial
according to the nature of his Offence.
Art. 7. Any Officer or Soldier who shall strike his superior
Officer, or draw or offer to draw or shall lift up any weapon,
or offer any violence against him, being in the execution of his
Office, on any pretence whatsoever, or shall disobey any lawful
commands of his superior Officer, shall suffer such punishment,
as shall according to the nature of his Offence, be ordered by
the sentence of a General Court Martial.
Art. 8, Any non commissioned Officer or Soldier who shall
desert, or without leave of his Commanding Officer absent
himself from the Troop or Company to which he belongs, or
from any detatchment of the same, shall upon being convicted
thereof be punished according to the nature of his Offence, at
the discretion of a general Court Martial.
Art. 9. Whatsoever Officer or Soldier shall be convicted of
having advised or persuaded any other Officer or Soldier to
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