C. S. C.
(whither I should most undoubtedly have gone without orders,
so soon as I was apprised of the arrival of the Enemy) but
also for sending Major Price to the Command. I never enter-
tained the most distant thought that you had any intention of
giving me offence, and am happy to find you have had no
insinuations to my prejudice. What I complain of is your
very concise order whereby I was superceded without a line
from your Honors signifying what part I was to act, or
whether I was to remain there a cipher, where I stayed with
impatience twenty four hours, expecting further orders.
I never attended to the Rank between Officers of the Militia
& Regulars, as adjusted by the Convention, or should not
have accepted off the Commission I held, for that and the
reason already given, did enclose you my commission for the
flying Camp. Having tendered my service to the Publick in
a different line of duty, (viz. the Civil Department) wh requires
my presence 'till my Offer is accepted or rejected, prevents
my complying with your repeated request of giving you a
Personal conference, until Monday next, when I have reason
to believe I shall have the pleasure of confering with your
Honors on the subject.
I am Gentlemen
Your Most Obedient hble Servt
Jno Dent.
[Smyth to Tilghman.]
Chester Town July the 5th 1776.
Dear Sir
I have been applied to by Thomas Blake of this Town to
be employed by the Province in making Cartridge Boxes,
Gun Slings &c He is a very good Workman and may be
depended on for what he engages, and says he will furnish
these articles at the price the Council give the Baltimore
Saddlers, he could supply the two companies of Militia that
are to be raised in this County for the flying Camp by the
time they will be ready to march; youll be pleased to mention
this matter to the Council and if they incline to empower me
to contract with Blake, they will please to write by the first
opportunity and mention the price of each article, I would not
have left the Council when I did but I knew my Stay was not
necessary & my engagement to Build a Roe Gaily made my
return home absolutely necessary, please to make my com-
pliments to the Council, and am D Sir.
Your Most Obdt Servt
James Tilghman Esqr Thos Smyth
in Annapolis