of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 551
Ordered That the Commissary of stores at Annapolis deliver
to Captn J. A. Thomas fifty musquets, one sett of large Bullet-
moulds & three Bolts of Oznabgs and 60 yards Country Linen.
Ordered That Captain Rezin Beall be requested to deliver
to Captn J. A. Thomas six of the rifles lately sent him by the
Council of Safety, and also that he and Captn Thomas imme-
diately send all the spare musquets now in his possession
under the Direction of Captain Thomas to the public Maga-
zine at Annapolis.
Ordered That the Commissary of stores at Annapolis deliver
to Lieutt Adams for the use of Captn Rezin Beall 6 ps Check
& 2 Bolts Oznabgs
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Captn Jno A.
Thomas, twenty pounds, sixteen shillings Curry for making
104 hunting shirts.
Adjourned 'till next Day, 10 o'Clock.
C. S. J.
[Council to Dorchester Committee.]
To the Committee of Observation for Dorchester County.
We have sent by a Boat belonging to Mr Wm Acres of
Talbot County, opposite to Cambridge, 250wt Lead for your
County, the Skipper has engaged to deliver it at Cambridge
to you. We shall send some more over by General Chamber-
laine to be lodged at Talbot Court House for the Use of your
shore, in case you should be in want hereafter be pleased to
apply to him.
5th July 1776
C. S. C.
No. 58.
[Council to Daniel and Samuel Hughes.]
To Messrs Danl & Saml Hughes
The Convention have directed the Council of Safety to
fortify Annapolis immediately, this cannot be done without
you comply with your Contract with the Province or as much
thereof as you possibly can — you will therefore be pleased to
send as many of the 18 & 9 pounders to Baltimore, as may
be in your power.
5th July 1776
[Dent to Council.]
Charles County 5th July 1776.
Your favour of the second Instant I've received, wherein
you not only account for ordering me to St Georges Island
No. 59.