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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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534 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. J.

Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
John Powell eighteen Pounds Curry, for his services, as Adju-
tant to 30th Battalion of Militia.
It was agreed by the Council of Safety with Mr Walter
Hanson of Charles County, that he shall have all the Salt
Petre and Sulphur in proportion, belonging to the public
sufficient to keep his Powder-Mill employed, if they can be
able to furnish him with that quantity.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to

Zachariah McCubbin

Captn of Balto

£69. 15..

Thomas Yates

1 Lt (of do)

46.. 10..

John Christie

2 Lt (of do)

46.. 10..

Thomas Lingan

Ensn (of do)

37- 5-

Daniel Dorsey

Captn (of Ann )

£69.. 15..

Joseph Burgess

1 Lt (of Do)

46.. 10..

John Lorah

2 Lt (of Do)

46.. 10..

Michl Burgess

Ensn (of do)

37- 5-

John Eager Howard

Captn (of Balto)

£69- 15-

Thomas Landsdale

1 Lt (of do)

46.. 10..

Willm Ryley

2 Lt (of do)

46.. 10..

Robert Murrow

Ensign (of Do)

37- 5-

Edward Tillard

Captn (Annl)

^69.. 15..

Saml Lloyd Chew

1 Lt (Do)

46.. i o..

John Belt

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

John Gassaway

Ensn (Do)

37- 5-

Uriah Forrest

Captn (St Mrys.)

£69.. 15..

Wm Bond

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Moses Tabbs

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Edwd Mattingly

Ensn (Do)

37- 5-

Belaw Posey

Captn (Chs)

69.. 15..

Henry Boarman

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

John Forbes

2 Lt (Do)

46.. to..

Gerard Fowke

Ensn (Do)

37- 5-

Edward Norwood

Captn (Annl)

69- 15-

Saml Godman

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Jno W. Dorsey

2 Lt (Do)


Richd Talbott

Ensn (Do)

37- 5-

James Disney

Captn (Annl)

69.. 15..

Henry Ridgely junr

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Jona Sellman junr

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Edwd Spurier

Ensn (Do)

37- 5-

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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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