of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 533
of the Committee, to recommend him to you, he seems to have
been active and spirited on the present occasion. The swivels
that came in Capt Speak & small arms lie at Colo Watts, if
you will please to give orders to me I will carry them to
Annaps in our Schr and one cask of Powder, that in case of an
attack from some of the little tenders we may defend her she
will have 20 men on board. I am sorry they have com-
mitted such depredations as its contrary to the Governors
promise, consequently the convention will be justified in
making him amenable. I saw two of Capt Nicholsons men
that had been taken by them on Friday on board a sloop
belonging to one Mr Smith.
I am respectfully Gentln
Your most huml Servt Willm Lux.
Saturday 29th June 1776.
Met according to Adjournment. Present the same members
as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Isaac Van bebber one hundred and eight pounds, for Demur-
rage of Brig Hannah.
Mr Isaac Van bebber delivers to the Council of Safety an
Accot of 500wt Gun Powder sold in No Carolina, which was
imported for the use of this province amtg to £200.. — .. Cy
£ 130.. 9.. Cy of which the Council of Safety received from
said Van-bebber, and ordered the same to be lodged in the
Hands of the Treasurer of the Western Shore, which the
Clerk did accordingly.
Mr Smyth having first withdrawn, the Council of Safety
agreed to allow him & Messrs Galloway and Steuard, eight
Pence currency pr Pound for all the Iron, which they shall fur-
nish, and use in building the Gondolas contracted for, on
Behalf of this Province.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Richard Weedon four Pounds, twelve shillings & three Pence
Curry, for supplying Severn Battalion on the Otter Alarm
with Provisions.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Joseph Merriken nine
Pounds, twelve shillings for supplying Severn Battalion with
subsistence on the Otter Alarm.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Isaac Harriss one hun-
dred and twenty four Pounds, for his own & Hands Services
as Armourers to the first Battalion.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Isaac Harriss twenty
Pounds Cy for the purchase of Brass-mounting at Philadelphia.
C. S. J.