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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 535   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 535

Eneas Campbell

Captn (Fredk)

69.. 15.

C. S. J.

Clement Hollyday

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Jno C. Jones

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

David Lynn

Ensign (Do)

37- 5-

Ordered That the

Treasurer of the Eastern

shore pay to

Zabduct Potter

Captn (Caroline)

£69.. 15-

Thos Wynn Lockerman

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Levin Handy

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Philip Casson

Ensign (Do)

37- 5-

Thomas Bourke

Captn (Dorset)


Bucket Falcon

1 Lt (Do)

43- — -

John Lynch

2 Lt (Do)

43- — -

Jas Woolford Gray

Ensn (Do)

43- —

Thomas Smyth junr

Captn (Kent)

69.. 15..

Jas Williamson

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Nathl Kennard junr

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Josiah Johnson

Ensn (Do)

37- 5-

Isaac Perkins

Captn (Kent)

69.. 15..

Abraham Falconar

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

Jesse Corden

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

James Henry

Ensign (Do)

37- 5-

John Downes

Captn (2. Anns.)

69.. 15..

Thos Lane Emory

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 1 o..

Saml W. Thomas

2 Lt (Do)

46.. 10..

John Jackson

Ensn (Do)

37- 5-

John Dean

Captn (2 Ann's)

69.. 15..

John Hawkins

1 Lt (Do)

46.. 1 o..

John Neill

2 Lt (Do)

46 . 1 o..

Saml Earle

Ensign (Do)

37- 5-

Ordered That the Commissary of Stores at Annapolis
deliver to Saml Dorsey one Provincial Bayonet of a large size
for a patent.

Ordered That Isaac Harriss furnish Mr Samuel Dorsey with
the Dimensions, and sizes of the Gun Barrels at the mussles,
sufficient for his guidance in manufacturing Bayonets.

Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to

Philip Merony

Captn (Fred)

69.. 15..

Elisha Beall

1 Lt (do)

46 . 10..

John Hellen

2 Lt (do)

46.. 10..

Wm Beatty junr

Ensign (do)

37- 5-


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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 535   View pdf image (33K)
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