of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 529
repel any violence offered by him, and to prevent his procur-
ing provisions, should have been very happy to have received
your commands three hours sooner, by that means I might
have prevented Mr James Dickinson, Wm Thomas, John Ste-
vens & Nicholas Martin going on board the Fowey man of war
with several head of sheep & hogs, some as a present to the
Governor others for sale, Mr Dickinson informed me some
time before he set out that the Governor had permission from
your Honors to take live stock on board the Man of War
whenever she should come up and that he was to procure it
for him, this Step has been taken by those Gentlemen without
the Permission or Knowledge of the Committee of the County.
Immediately on the Receipt of your letter, I hired a Boat put
20 men on board and sent in pursuit of them with orders to
bring those Gentlemen with their sheep and hogs back again,
about 8 oclock in the evening my boat met with them on their
return having safely lodged all their Stock on board the Man
of War I informed them of the Resolve of Convention and
your orders to me, they have given me their Honor to attend
at any time and place you may direct to answer for their Con-
duct. As I thought it necessary to inform you as soon as
possible of this matter have hired a boat for the purpose in
which Mr Anderson goes over & can fully relate to you every
particular respecting those Gentlemen, shall be much obliged
to you to send me by him an order for £ 100 or 150 as am
getting the soldiers cloathes made up, and frequently pur-
chasing little necessary articles.
I am Gentn Your much obliged & obedt hble Servt
James Hindman
Friday 28th June 1776.
Met according to Adjournment. Present the same mem-
bers as on yesterday.
Ordered That Cumberland Dugan of Baltimore Town
deliver to Messrs Galloway and Steuard 2.000 wt of Busquit
by him baked for Provincial use, and two Barrels of Flour.
Copy of Letter No 50 was sent to the Committee of Obser-
vation for Calvert County & No 51 to the Committees of the
several Counties respectively.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores at Annapolis
deliver out of the public Magazine, to Lieutt Archibald Ander-
son 6 quire of Cartridge Paper, for the use of Captain Hind-
man's Company.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore pay to
Captn James Hindman one hundred pounds Curry on Acct of
C. S. J.