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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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528 Journal and Correspondence

company therein, and advise me as soon as possible, that the
General may be enabled to lay the plan before the Council of
Safety for their approbation, without which it will not perhaps
be put in practice, you are to have the effective arms in your
company valued by the Commissioned officers or any three of
them and marked B.i.&c and so progressively upwards taking
a list thereof with the owners names, opposite its number that
the same may be replaced or paid for by the Publick if lost or
rendered useless in the service. It would be adviseable to
place the best of these arms in the first division to be delivered
over occasionally to the second, third & fourth, you will be

pleased to loose no time in arraining your Compy and

acquainting each person to what division they belong, if your
Company should be incomplete the deficiency should fall in
the last division as it can be easily supplied from those who
have been in service before them &c.

N. B. Instructions to be given by the Cols to the Capts

Colo Wm Buchanan
Capt Zacha M'Cubbin

1/2 Balto Battalion

Col. Wm Buchanan

First Division


From Captains Company of

1 Sergt

1 Corporal, 15 Privates.

" Capt Galbraiths Company

1st Lieut

I Sergt

I Corpl 15 Privates.

" Capt Teams Company

2d Lieut

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

" Capt Rutters Company


I Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

Second Division

Capt Willm Galbraith.


From Captain Company of

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates

" Capt McCubbins Compy

1ist Lieut

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

" Capt Kutters Compy

2d Lieut

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

" Capt Teams Compy


1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

Third Division

Capt Fredk Teams.


From Captain Company of

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates

" Capt Rutters Compy

1st Lieut

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates

" Capt McCubbins Compy

2d Lieut

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

" Capt Galbraiths Compy


1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

Fourth Division

. .


Capt Thos Rutter.


From Captains Company of

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates

" Capt Teams Compy

ist Lieut

1 Sergt

1 Corpl 15 Privates.

" Capt Galbraith Compy

ad Lieut

I Sergt

I Corpl 15 Privates.

" Capt McCubbins Compy


1 Sergt

I Corp' 15 Privates.


[Hindman to Council.]

Oxford June 27th 1776.
Gentlemen. At one oClock yesterday your letter came to

hand inclosing a Resolve of Convention giving information of

Capt Montague's Conduct, with directions to be prepared to


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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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