530 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Copy of Letter No 52 was sent to Captain James Hindman.
No 53 to same & No 54 to Lieutt Bennett Bracco.
Ordered That a public magazine be erected near Talbot
Court-House in Talbot County under the care and manage-
ment of Brigadier General Chamberlaine, for the reception
and security of Gun Powder, and that the said magazine be
built of Brick and Stone and of the following Demensions.
Vizt 22 by 18 feet, arched with Brick, with a wire rod on the
Top, and lined with Plank on end, and that the said James
Lloyd Chamberlaine be requested to undertake the same, and
render an Account of expences, that the same may be paid on
behalf of the Province.
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 o'Clock.
C. S. C.
No. 50.
[Council to Calvert Committee.]
To the Committee of Observation for Calvert County.
Gentlemen. When we wrote to you on the 4th instant, we
did not intend to engage your County in the expence of build-
ing the barracks desired in our letter for lodging the men, we
were of opinion they should be built at the expence of the
Province, shall be obliged if you will as soon as you can set
about erecting them and the expense shall be paid you.
June 28th 1776
No. 51,
[To County Committees.]
We inclose you a resolution of the Congress desiring a
complete List of the number of Inhabitants in our Colony.
We request you will appoint some persons in your County for
taking the number of Inhabitants both whites and blacks dis-
tinguishing respectively the age and sex of each therein, and
shall be obliged if you will transmit it to us as soon as it is
returned to you, we will pay any expence that may arise on
employing persons to comply with this request.
To the Committee of observation
of ————— County
No. 52
[Council to Hindman.]
To Captain James Hindman
Sir. Your favor of the 27th Instant pr Mr Anderson, the
Council has laid before the Convention, and therefore so far