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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 527

Chamberlaine, and await such orders as he may think proper '
to give respecting the powder and other articles.
June 27 1776

C. S. C.

[Council to Kent Committee.]

To the Committee of Observation for Kent County.
Twenty-two Barrels of Sulphur, Sixty Barrels of Gun-Powder,
fourteen musquets, ten Bayonets, ten swivels & two Blunder-
busses with their furniture, belonging to this province are
lately arrived in Chingoteague in Accomack County in Vir-
ginia, and are now under the Care of Colo Matthews of that
County. — as waggons cannot be procured in any of the lower
Counties, we request you would immediately hire and despatch
as many as may be thought necessary to convey the same
from thence to Talbot Court-House, or to such place as Briga-
dier-General Chamberlaine shall order and direct
27th June 1776

No. 49.

[A. Buchanan to Council.]

Balto County June 27th 1776.
Gentlemen: I take leave to offer the inclosed plan of
arrangement of the Militia under my direction to your consid-
eration, the obvious utility in furnishing them better armed,
and avoiding the inconvenience as well as expence of having
too great numbers in service at the same time will I am per-
suaded present itself at first view and render it necessary, for
me to recommend it, the Balt Town Battalion to whom it has
as yet been only proposed will I believe readily adopt it, I
shall do nothing- further until it has received the sanction of
your approbation :
I am w' respect yr huml Servt
And. Buchanan:


To Capt. A. B. To avoid calling out too many of the
Militia at one time on alarm, I have it in instructions from the
General, to throw each compy of the Battalion in certain divi-
sions, one of which only is to be ordered on duty at the same
time, except on an extraordinary emergency, the mode
adopted you have inclosed for your Government the advan-
tages resulting therefrom will I make no doubt sufficiently
recommend it, however you are to take the sense of your


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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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