526 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Copy of Letter No 48 was sent to the Committee of Kent
County & No 49 to Captn Edwd Veazey.
Ordered That the Commissioners of the Gun Lock manu-
factory at Frederick Town, furnish and make for Jacob Schley
ten large Gun Locks agreeable to a patent they will receive
for that purpose from said Schley.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Baker Johnson Esqr for the use of Thomas Edison thirty
Pounds, for his attendance as Adjutant to Colo James John-
son's Battalion for the Term of five months to the 30th June
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Clerk twenty Pounds
for expresses &c.
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 o'Clock.
C. S. C.
No. 47.
[Council to Selby.]
To Wm Selby, near Pitt's Landing, Accomack Coty
Sir. The Council of Safety has agreed with Mr Jesse Hol-
lingsworth to send a Qty of flour from Baltimore Town to
Pitts's Landing, to be carted across from thence to Chingo-
teague Inlet to be put on board the schooner John Captn
Speake now lying there. We therefore request the favor of
you to give Captain Speake or Mr Beck every friendly assist-
ance in your power to convey the said flour from the Landing
across to his vessel — the favour will be acknowledged, and
any reasonable expence which you may incur therein will
be paid by us as this vessel is loading on Account of the
28th June 1776
No. 48.
[Council to Veazey.]
To Captain Edward Veazey
Sir. We have wrote to the Committee of Observation of
Kent County to hire waggons to convey a quantity of powder,
sulphur &c from Chingoteague in Accomack County to Talbot
Court House, or to such place as Brigadier General Cham-
berlaine shall order or direct, and as it will be expedient that
a guard should attend the carriage of the above articles; we
desire you will order one of your Lieutenants with ten men on
that service — the greatest care and attention is recommended
to the officer you intrust on this business. You will direct
your officer that when he shall arrive at Talbot Court House,
that he immediately give notice of his arrival to General