Ordered, That said Treasurer pay unto Daniel Adams sev-
enty one pounds, seventeen shillings and six pence, for deten-
tion of Schooner Hawk and wages for his Seamen, she being
one of the afsd Vessels, that were sunk.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Seth Paddock eighty
eight pounds, five shillings, and seven pence half Penny, for
wages and detention of Sloop, May Flower she being one of
the vessels sunk for the preservation of Baltimore Town.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Daniel Adams, according
to the direction of the Convention, one hundred and fifty four
Pounds, fifteen shillings for Flour purchased by him to ship on
Board the Schooner Hawk pr Invoice.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Hunlock Palfrey,
according to the direction of the Convention, two hundred,
and ten pounds, one shilling and nine pence for Flour pur-
chased as above pr Invoice.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
the said Hunlock Palfrey the further sum of two hundred and
ten pounds, seven shillings and one Penny, for Flour by
him purchased for the Purpose mentioned in the preceeding
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Cumberland Dugan
one hundred and forty two pounds, five shillings and two
pence, for Flour by him purchased for the purpose aforesaid.
Ordered That Jesse Hollingsworth of Baltimore Town be
requested to discharge the Amt of storage of the Flour pur-
chased of Hunlock Palfrey and that the Council of Safety will
re-imburse him for the same.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western-shore pay to
Thomas Smyth Esqr eleven pounds four shillings for 16 Day's
attendance, as a member of the Council of safety.
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 o'Clock.
C. S. J.