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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)
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522 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

No. 46.

[Council to Hollingsworth.]

To Mr. Jesse Hollingsworth.
You are hereby requested to cause the two Brigs Fortune
and Rogers now lying at Baltimore Town to be unloaden,
and have their cargoes as also the cargoes bought of Adams
& Palfrey carefully examined; should the flour be in such
order that 'tis likely to be spoiled, you are directed to have
the same baked into bread for the use of the province — such
of it as may be fit to be sent to market, you will send down
the Bay in proper vessels, and have landed at Pitt's landing
on Pocomoke, to the care of Captn Speake or Mr Beck of the
Schooner John, to be thence carried by land to Chingoteague,
and put on board the said schooner John now lying there,
burthen about 650 Barrels, if that quantity of Barrels of flour
should fall short, the rest of the schooner John's load, you are
to send in bread. What flour is likely to spoil and must be
baked, you will lodge with Mr Wm Spear and some part with
Mr Cumberland Dugan [2/3 with Spear and 1/3 with Dugan],
which they are to have baked for the public use. You are to
let the owners of the vessels, Messrs Wm Lux & Geo. Woolsey,
know that their brigs are discharged for the public service &
that we will lay their case before Convention, who, we doubt
not, will make them a reasonable allowance for the time they
have been employed — if you cannot hire vessels to carry this
Flour to Pocomoke without insuring them, we hereby authorize
you to insure them at a reasonable value.
June 26 1776


[Murdock to Council.]

Frederick County June 26th 1776.
May it please your Honour's, Inclosed you have a state of
the Arms in the hands of the 29th Battalion of Militia under
my Command, so far as I have been able to obtain it, It may
not be amiss to inform you, that although Capt Saml Wade
Magruder had received my orders to meet in Battalion on the
day appointed (which were given out before I received the
orders from the Brigadier General to transmit an accot of the
Arms &c) and had likewise afterwards heard of the Generals
orders, yet neither he nor his Company did appear in the
Field, which has rendered it impossible for me to furnish his
list with the rest. I should have been more speedy in trans-
mitting this account, had I not before, I heard any thing of the
matter, given orders for the Battalion to meet, as I have told

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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)
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