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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 507   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 507
of the 14 Regiment & about 500 negroes on Gwin's Island,

the Roebuck of 44 guns, 20. 18 pounders & 22. 9 pounders &
2. 6 pounders—the Otter sloop of 14. 6 pounders & have
about 40 men, the Roebuck has about 270 men. The Fowey
22 guns, 20. 9 pounders & 2. 18 pounders 100 men The Fin-
castle sloop tender 10. 4 pounders 35 men Lieut Wright.
Lady Susanna Bridges Goodrick 4. 3 pounders, 2. 2 pounders,
20 men, The John Witworth 4. 3 pounders, 4 swivels 12
men, the Lady Gower, Captn not known, 4 Brass 3 pounders
14 men. Lady Augusta 2. 2 pounders & 6 swivels 15 men.
N. B. 26 of the Roebucks Marines & says that Dunmores
ship has 6. 3 pounders 4 wall pieces about 6 white men & 25
negroes, men & women, about 20 sail of ships, Brigs & about
80 sail of small vessels.

Dear Sir: A Call in midwifery prevented my complying
with my promise of sending to you the accts of our Militia
which you will receive herewith I am fearful of being blameable
in endorseing them as the Committee gave no orders but, I
do hereby certify that I set as clk to the Committee of observa-
tion the day they were examined and allowed & this you may
give as my private testimony if needful:

I am dear Sir, Yr Hble. Servt

Calvert County June 22rt 1776. E. Johnson.
To Lt Col Alex' Somerville:

[E. Johnson to Council.]

Gentlemen: I recd your favour of the 19 moment pr post
and shall directly fulfil your desire in making the Experiment
into the Clifts on this River that I informed you produced salt,
since which I am informed that many of the neighbours both
whites & blacks make what they want for use, and for your
satisfaction shall give you some Extracts from that great &
divine Philosopher Herman Borhaave to prove that Fossil or
Rock Salt, Spring or Fountain Salt, & Sea Salt are alike in
Virtue & may be any or all of them used either in the Medical
or Culinary art, & therefore salt prepared either from earth or
water may be safely used if to be obtained: These three salts
(vizt Rock Salt, Spring Salt, Sea Salt) tho difft in their origin
are all of the same nature 1st they all dissolve in the same
quantity of water in proportion to their weight. 2d Resolve
spontaneously in the air: 3d Produce Chyristals alike: 4th
If added to aqua fortis they enable it to dissolve aurum. 5th
They yield in distillation an acid spirit. 6th When dissolved
in air deposite a great quantity of Earth. 7th They all crackle
in the fire & lastly they afford no alcali nor are altered by



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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 507   View pdf image (33K)
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