C. S. C.
No. 60.
[Council to Maryland Deputies.]
To the Deputies of Maryland in Congress.
We have requested Mr Bowley to purchase on Account of
this Province the private Adventures of Powder imported in
the Wild Dick Capt. Tibbitt lately arrived in Delaware at such
Price as you may advise. We therefore desire your Assistance
in that matter.
15th March 1776
[Mackall to Council.]
Calvert County 15th March 1776.
Genl I left the mouth of Patuxent Wednesday, where I
saw Capt Thomas, who requested me (as he had no materials
then to write with) to inform the Council of Safety, that he
thought a Virginia Pilot Boat which was stopped by our
guard some days ago, would be very usefull, either for con-
veying the troops from Calvert to St Mary's, or for taking any
small Tenders which might come in our river That the owner
was very desirous of selling her & that he would take a
reasonable price sooner than return to Virginia, as he was
apprehensive of being taken. If you should be of opinion
that such a vessel will be of any advantage to the province,
hope you will inform me or Capt Thomas by the first oppor-
tunity. The committee of observation for this County met on
Monday last, in consequence of your last letter, and impowered
me to appoint a number not exceeding 100 men, to watch our
Coast, & as the man of war and Tenders then lay at anchor
off the Clifts, I thought it necessary to station a guard of 78
men exclusive of officers to prevent their landing. Those men
continued under arms till Wednesday, when I discharged all
but 2 Lieutenants and 25 Privates, who are now stationed at
Drum Point there to remain until Capt Bealls Company of
Regulars comes down. The man of War and Tenders passd
the mouth of Patuxent Tuesday Evening :
I am with great Respect Gent
Your most obedt hble Servt
Benj: Mackall 4th
[Murray to Council.]
Cambridge March 15th 1776.
Gentlemen. From the sudden alarm which the sloop of
war and her Tenders have this week occasioned it was thought